Friend, praise the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. I am confident that it is well with you and that you have continued to see the goodness of God in this land of the living. My wife and I are doing well and are thankful to the Lord for His continued faithfulness towards us.

This month, is "A Month to Arise and Shine"

The Bible says in Isaiah 60:1-2 "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. "

Friend, the word ARISE means "to get up or to stand up as from a lying position", "to come into notice" "to ascend". What this means is that you should expect to get up, stand up, ascend and come into notice during this month. To "Arise" also means to move on to the next level. You do not arise downward, you arise upward. Many issues may have tied you down, many burdens may be pulling you down, perhaps its debt or sickness, friend, expect to get up. The God of the breakthrough says "ARISE", stand up. Friend, expect to ascend to greater heights because the LORD, the Burden Remover, will destroy every yoke that is holding you down in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


When God says ARISE, no force can hold you down. When God says ARISE, strength is released to accomplish the task. Strength is released to empower you to ARISE, to stand up. God's Word is full of power (Psalm 29:4) and no force of darkness can deter it. The door He opens, no man can shut. As this is a year of open doors, God will strengthen you to arise and seize your destined opportunities.  When God says ARISE, he not only speaks to your external position but He also addresses your internal endowments, your talents, your abilities, your gifts etc. This month, expect a stirring up, yes, a rising up of your gifts in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. God not only makes you arise but He makes you "Arise" to "shine". To "shine" means to be visible. It means come out of darkness, out of hiding and to become visible. Friend, I see you shinning in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Where many had left you, ignored you, overlooked you; all that is changing because He who makes people shine says "Arise, Shine".

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:1 "Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed." Friend, I see God filling you with uncommon wisdom that will make you shine. As you arise, expect wisdom in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. David was forgotten among the sheepfold until the day came for him to begin to shine. Nobody knew that David had killed a lion! Nobody knew he had killed a bear but when the day came for him to face Goliath he began to shine, get ready for your light to shine. Get ready to come from obscurity to the limelight in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. "Arise, shine; for thy light is come".

Any country that is filled with darkness, gloom, where there is killing, drought Kenya, Sudan, DRC, Haiti, etc..Light is coming. Change is coming. A reversal of circumstances is taking place. Where we originally had gross darkness..Light is coming in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen. To "shine" also means to become influential, to affect lives. To "shine" means to scatter darkness, to render darkness ineffective. With Jesus Christ, The True Light of the world, on your side, expect to scatter every trace of darkness that the enemy has brought your way for this is your season to "Arise and shine".

Friend, "Arise, shine..."

Have a blessed month,


Bro Chester

