Let us Pray Together
Thank You For Considering to be part of the internet Team.
We would really like you to be part of us.
We will strive to :-
(1) Pray for you.
(2) Share with you monthly the Word that God places in our heart.
(3) We will tell you of resources that have been a blessing to us.
(4) Continue to update the website for it to continue to be a blessing to you.
We ask that :-
(1) You send in your prayer request and testimonies.
(2) You pray for us for God to continue to pour His strength and Wisdom.
(3) That you share the website with your friends so that we become co-labourers in spreading this Gospel of Jesus Christ.
May God bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you. May He give you peace in Jesus Faithful Name, Amen.
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Thank You,
Your Friends,
Prayer for Africa